Would you like to get fit, meet new people, learn a new skill, or just have fun? Caledonia Resource Center is the place for you! We have classes that will get you in shape, challenge your mind, or teach you how to stretch your dollars. You can take courses to learn a new hobby, or to break an old habit. Browse our catalog for all of our course offerings!
We will no longer be mailing confirmations. Please register online and you will automatically receive a confirmation / receipt via e-mail. Mail in registrations will not receive a confirmation.
We will gladly accept your credit/debit card payments, however, there will be a $3.95% convenience fee charged to each order when paying by credit card. If you wish to pay by check you may mail in your registration to
Caledonia Resource Center,
9757 Kraft Ave., Caledonia, MI 49316
Register for your favorite class or activities 1 week or more before it begins and save $10! You can register online anytime day or night! This offer applies to any class or activity with a listed early bird price.
Visit us at the Caledonia Resource Center office during our regular office hours:
8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
We are located at
9749 Duncan Lake Ave.
You can register in person, online or by mail.
Simply complete the registration form and send it with your check/money order to
Caledonia Resource Center,
9749 Duncan Lake Ave., Caledonia, MI 49316.